“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self." - Cyril Connolly

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013: Word of the Year- Believe

A couple of years ago, I heard on K-LOVE the prospect of choosing one word on which to focus throughout the year instead of numerous resolutions that are forgotten and ignored.

In 2011, I chose the word Change. Believe me, we went through some changes. For some reason, I didn't pick one for 2012.  I guess that God wasn't finished with the changes yet, because we went through even more in 2012.

I have started thinking about my one word challenge for 2013. I have thought about Patience, and Strength, Faith but the one that keeps returning to my brain is Believe.

So this year I will focus on what I believe.

I BELIEVE in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirt.

I BELIEVE that Jesus Christ died for my sins and loves me in spite of all my wrong doings.

I BELIEVE that I will NOT let doubt overwhelm my mind.

I BELIEVE that God will lead me through challenges.

I BELIEVE that through prayer and study, I will become a better wife and mother who glorifies God.

I BELIEVE that I am a wonderfully made person.

I BELIEVE that through His strength that I can better myself, mentally physically, spiritually and emotionally.

I BELIEVE that no matetr what the devil throws at me, I will make it through my valley.

I BELIEVE that I will make mistakes, but I will not let it define who I am.

I BELIEVE that God wants me to be a healthier version of myself. (Click here for details)

I BELIEVE that God will bless my family in more ways than I could ever imagine.

As I go through the year, I will focus on one thing and how it applies to every facet of my life this year, instead of five or six or more declarations that are bound to discourage and frustrate year.

One word challenges or not, have you thought about how 2013 will be different than 2012?


  1. happy new year Carol to you and your family ! Enjoyed reading it . For me the word for 2013 would be "LOVE" :)

    1. Happy New Year to you, too. I think Love is a great word for 2013. Many blessings to you this year.

  2. Hi Carol! Thanks for stopping by Seriously Kate.

    I love this post! It's so important that we know Truth so that believing is possible. :)

    I am following you on Google Connect and Twitter!


  3. Hi there from Bloggy moms. New follower! You can find me at http://theresmagicoutthere.blogspot.com/ Happy New Year! I like your word Believe. Mine is Happiness

    1. Welcome. I think Happiness is very important. I think we take it for granted. I look forward to checking our your blog.
