“Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self." - Cyril Connolly

Saturday, May 31, 2014

My New Cleaning Schedule

I hate to clean. It's true. I would definitely characterize myself as a little on the lazy side.  I would much rather watch television, Netflix, or Hulu, than clean my house. However, I hate my house to be messy. It has become quite a problem.  I can't afford for anyone else to clean it, and I don't think anyone will do it for free. So I just have to hunker down and get it done.

I have discovered I love lists. I could lose all day making lists. I like making lists of the lists I am going to make. It's a problem. Nonetheless, I made a check-off list for cleaning.  I call it my Completely Possible Cleaning Schedule.  It has my daily chores and my weekly responsibilities. The best part is it shouldn't take very long to do it, so I can spend the rest of my time doing those things I enjoy: binge-watching, crafting, getting a pedicure, volunteering at my kids' school, grocery shopping (yup, I enjoy shopping for groceries).

Anyway, hope you enjoy the list. I put it in a plastic page protector and make off my squares with a dry-erase marker. Then, wipe it off at the end of the week, and start again.


Monday, May 5, 2014

Freebies for Good Report Cards: Macon Edition

Nearing the end of the year, as we anticipate report cards, be sure to celebrate those A's and B's.

Here are some Macon area places that reward good grades:

Chuck E. Cheese  - Take in your most recent report card and receive FREE tokens for good grades.

Krispy Kreme  – Take home a free original glazed donut for each A (up to 6 A’s). Simply show your report card and receive your warm, delicious doughnuts!. What could be better?

Hello There, Cupcake - Offers one free cupcake for all As for any report card, any grade level. Simply show your report card.

Now there are more nationwide programs that offer good grades, but I have not verified them in Macon. As I verify more, I will include them.